Marsielle, France


We were lucky as we awoke as the ship was docking. We even got an amazing docking slot so we were able to walk straight off the ship and into town. We docked right by the large church and it was the view as we ate both breakfast and dinner outside. Around 10 we ventured into the streets of Marseille. We left the ship and followed the Harbour wall around to the Old Port. We had been warned by the ship of protesting in the old Harbour. We looked up what the protests were about (they were protesting the new French retirement age) and decided to venture that way anyway and if needed we would detour around it. As it turns out, they were quite peaceful and we walked right through. But along the way we came across the local fish market. I loved watching and photographing the locals haggling for the fresh food they would serve at their tables that night. There was even a local chef running from tent to tent trying to get the best fish.  One vendor had fresh fish swimming in a small tray of water. 

We walked on and made our way into the amazing streets of the town. Everything was so clean and quaint. Of course we were for sure in the most affluent section of the town. We were headed to an appt at Louis Vuitton.

We strolled the streets and absorbed the culture. 

Louis Vuitton- make an appt. Looking at Louis Vuitton in France is an experience if you are a Louis fan! Not to mention the bags are about 800.00 cheaper, and you get the VAT taxes back.. I will make a post about VAT soon!

They made us a lunch appt for Sofitel Hotel with the best views of the old Harbour. We walked to lunch where we had artichoke salad and veal patè salad and even tried the local drink of Pastis. Word to the wise. It tastes like straight licorice!  I was not a fan, to say the least, but drank majority of it bc the waitress was so excited that we had ordered the “local” drink. 

We walked back through the old port area and ventured into some of the surrounding neighborhoods as we went back to the ship. The last stop was inside the large church. 

The sunset as we sailed to SÈTE was beautiful!  We even discovered a new hidden/quiet section of the ship the explorers lounge. 


Sete, France


Monte Carlo